Mitch Prensky, owner of Supper restaurant in Philadelphia (, says, "Nobody doesn't like a deviled egg." Well, Mitch, that's the premise of this blog - everyone loves deviled eggs, there are an infinite number of possibilities of deviled egg recipes, and we want to find the BEST one.
Mitch even goes into detail about how to hard-boil an egg, differing only slightly from TheBestDeviledEgg technique we discussed when we began this blog. He then, much like we have said, claims that the basic deviled egg recipe is the "mother sauce" to which any taste can be added, tweaked, or altered to taste.

But here's where Mitch becomes the hero of TheBestDeviled Eggs. Mitch has created 12 different varieties (see above), all of which are available at Supper, and he launched his deviled egg-stravaganza on July 1 with some amazing promotions ($1 per egg, or all dozen for $9).
Throughout the rest of July, this promotion will be $6 for 4 deviled eggs, appearing on a rotating basis.
Three recipes are included in the Philadelphia Inquirer article (Mitch's Classic Deviled Egg recipe, his Bacon and Cheddar Deviled Egg recipe, and a recipe for Chevre Deviled Eggs with Asparagus) and TheBestDeviledEggs will taste and review all three. Perhaps Mitch will be so kind as to share the other 9, so then at least we can determine which of HIS dozen recipes represents TheBestDeviledEggs.