Monday, May 18, 2009

Texas-Style Deviled Eggs

At The Best Deviled Eggs, I get a TON of suggestions for deviled eggs that aren't really recipes. Just a lot of comments like "I use caviar on top of my deviled eggs" or that suggest other deviled egg toppings. From these topping suggestions came the recipe that, so far, I think is truly the BEST deviled egg recipe - the April 2008 recipe for "Crispy-Fried Prosciutto Deviled Eggs" seen here:

That recipe came from a suggestion of crispy-frying prosciutto for a deviled egg topping, combined with a very good, but very basic, recipe I received from a friend's mother.

Also, in January 2008, I noted in this entry ( that whenever a deviled egg recipe seems like it's missing something, that "something" is usually pickle relish.

Well, this recipe, credited online to Sheila Chase, is a very simple deviled egg recipe that uses pickle relish. Is it great? No... it's OK, but it's pretty basic and has no flourishes. And as this blog has taught us, it's the flourishes that "make" deviled egg recipes complete. Just mayonnaise, relish, salt and pepper, and a little mustard. The original recipe wasn't really specific about proportions, and the suggested proportions left a filling that was too dry, so I corrected them for the purposes of this test. In fact, the original recipe says that mustard is "optional", but in fact, it's actually pretty necessary.

What this recipe IS, however, is the perfect "base" deviled egg recipe, and a recipe I will probably use in the future to test recipes where I'm just given a suggested topping.

Here is the recipe:

6 hard-boiled eggs, peeled and sliced in half
2 tablespoons mayonnaise
1 tablespoon sweet pickle relish
1 teaspoon yellow mustard
salt and pepper to taste

1. Slice eggs in half and remove yolks.
2. Mash yolks in a bowl until fine.
3. Add mayonnaise, relish, and mustard.
4. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
5. Mix well and fill egg halves with mixture.
6. Allow eggs to chill for one hour before serving.

Here are the pictures:

Above: adding the mayonnaise, relish, and mustard
Above: the final product (notice the lack of garnish)
The lack of garnish is what makes this recipe just TOO basic. But I guess "basic" means that this recipe is the perfect base for future recipes, where just a garnish is suggested.
Here are the scores:
Overall: 65 out of 100
Texture: 15 out of 20 (once the proportions were fine-tuned)
Flavor: 15 out of 20
Uniqueness: 8 out of 20
Appearance: 8 out of 20
Ease of preparation: 19 out of 20

Monday, May 11, 2009

BestDeviledEggs Now on Twitter!

I am now twittering about all things deviled egg related. Follow me on Twitter - BestDeviledEggs.

As point of reference, yesterday was Mother's Day and there were nearly 50 deviled-egg-related tweets on Twitter.

Look for our Mother's Day deviled egg recipe later this week!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Deviled Eggs back in the news

It's been a while since I've updated, but with the month of May comes a renewed vow to post and review one deviled egg recipe a week from now until the end of the year.

And deviled eggs are VERY trendy and popular. Check out this story from the Asheville (NC) Citizen-Times, a story that appeared just before Easter: http://

This article is particularly interesting because of the great advice the writer, Pervaiz Shallwani, about how to choose the right eggs, then how to hard boil them. While not long on creative ideas for making great deviled eggs, the story is very informative and just another example of the popularity of deviled eggs.

See you later this week with a new recipe!