Now, on the the next recipe: Cream Cheese Deviled Eggs. This recipe reminds me of a classic Match Game episode. These deviled eggs are just "blank." Here is the recipe:
Cream Cheese Deviled Eggs
6 hard-boiled eggs
1/2 block softened cream cheese
sale and pepper to taste
1. Crumble egg yolks in a bowl.
2. Add softened cream cheese (if cream cheese is not soft enough to mix, microwave it for 10 or 15 seconds).
3. Combine yolks and cream cheese and add salt and pepper to taste
Above: adding the cream cheese; the finished product
Review: Seriously, these are the most basic recipe ever. Only egg yolks, cream cheese, and a little salt and pepper. However, the texture, because of the cream cheese, is SO different than any recipe I've ever tried. VERY thick - the cream cheese is taking place of the traditional mayonnaise/Miracle Whip/sour cream. I actually was excited while I was making these because I was also making a GREAT new snack-type appetizer that smelled great and was wonderful. (If you want that recipe, e-mail me!) It would be interesting to try a deviled egg recipe that involves cream cheese but ALSO some other flavorful ingredients - maybe mustard, relish, stronger spices, even bacon (of course).
Overall: 40 out of 100
Texture: 8 out of 20 (if only because it's so unique)
Flavor: 2 out of 20
Uniqueness: 10 out of 20
Appearance: 5 out of 20
Ease of preparation: 15 out of 20